Interview with the Artist Rossina Bossio

April 27, 2017 | Author: webSman

Q: How long have you been an artist? Please tell us a little about your chosen medium.

A: I started my professional career as an artist when I did my first solo painting exhibition in 2007. However, I have been involved in all kinds of artistic activities since I was a little child. Which is why I’m not only drawn to only one medium, but I like to bring the concepts I develop across different mediums.

Besides drawing and painting, I’ve done several videos that involve music, dancing and costume design. I first develop a concept in drawing and painting two-dimensional and static images, and then turn that into moving images. In other words, my paintings come alive through sound and movement.

Q: Have you been trained, and if so from what institution? Or are you self taught?
A little bit of both. I’ve kept drawing diaries since a very early age and I believe that is the core of my entire artistic training. After High School it was a no-brainer to choose a Degree in Arts. I did half a Degree in a University in Bogotá, and finished my studies in a School of Fine Arts in France.

Q: What inspires your creations?

A: My inspiration process is always unconscious until I finish a series of work. It is always after making the work that I can understand why I did it, but not before. Looking back, I’ve consistently drawn inspiration from my personal experiences, my education, and a deep need to answer personal questions and find new ways of understanding the world. I also find a lot of image inspiration on the Internet, through Youtube, Instagram and Tumblr.

Q: Was your family supportive of your artistic endeavors?

A: My mother was always supportive. My father, who passed away, wasn’t at the beginning, but seeing that I was very serious about it and that I started to succeed, he became very supportive and even bought a few of my works.

Q: Is there someone special who has encouraged your work and your path as an artist?

A: My husband has been my biggest support since day one. We’ve been together for almost the same time of my professional career, which has had many ups and downs. He’s been incredibly patient, supportive and carrying through it all. He’s the one who encourages me the most whenever I’m in doubt.

InnerVision_Rossina-BossioQ: What are your hopes and dreams or future goals?

A: Just be able to continue doing art, and to develop the craziest, wildest ideas I have in mind, without worrying so much about the money.

Q: Are there any historic works of art that you feel were visionary, and why? How did this art affect you?

A: I think all of Matthew Barney’s work is visionary. I like how he moves smoothly across different media and develops equally startling work in each artistic language he chooses to explore. That is very inspiring to me and it’s what I wish to accomplish.

Q: Do you feel as an artist that it is important to change the world, to have a vision? If so what would you hope to change?

A: Art for me is a collective illustrated memory of our history that creates balance within the chaos of life. I’m not sure art can change the world but it can change lives individually.
Personally I find that it has been that way for me. It’s changed my views of the world and healed me in many ways.