March 16, 2018 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Chie Yoshii

Chie Yoshii’s oil paintings explore timeless psychological themes with a contrasting mix of techniques and styles. On the one hand, the brushstrokes and the luminosity of her panels are reminiscent of traditional Flemish paintings, in which the details, the quality of shading, and the softness of each character’s complexion are presented in a masterly manner. On the other hand, the subtle symbolism and compelling presence of the figures bring an unexpected air of accessible modernity.
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March 15, 2018 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Gerald Brom

Since earliest childhood I have been fascinated by the spirits and forces swirling around us in their hidden realms—the spectral evidence of ancient beings and their rites and deeds both wicked and noble. It was as though they were calling to me and so I have made a life of trying to bring their voices to light. As a child they manifested in ambitious tales crafted in crayon and crude text all stapled together in handmade books. Now, all these years later, they still haunt me, vying for me to reveal them, to bring them out from the shadows for all to see, only now it is through oil paintings and prose, art books and novels, on and on until the day I can no longer hold a brush—a joy, a purpose, a curse.

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March 7, 2018 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist John Brophy

Q: What inspires your creations?

A: This is actually a hard question to answer. And to be perfectly honest I really don’t know. It’s often hard to identify where my ideas come from. Sometimes the image of a complete painting more » “Interview with the Artist John Brophy”

March 6, 2018 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman

Celebrating the hard-earned wisdom of childhood, Sullivan-Beeman depicts subjects who are often young, hauntingly innocent, and teetering on the edge of naïveté. She uses her personal dream journal to provoke her artwork, exploring Jung’s collective unconscious with an overt curiosity for the bizarre and the esoteric, especially alchemy and the tarot. more » “Interview with the Artist Deirdre Sullivan-Beeman”

March 5, 2018 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Jel Ena

Jel Ena is a Serbian born multi-media artist living in her adopted home of Los Angeles. She comes from a family of professional artists in every field who supported her pursuit of the fine arts. Jel Ena attended the Academy of Fine Art, Univesity of Belgrade, where she received her MFA in painting. She has been showing in galleries around the world where her work is widely collected, as well as freelancing in the movie, television, and video game industry as a designer.

Jel Ena’s work displays a mastery of the figure and color. Her style is instantly recognizable and extraordinarily matchless in its visualization. Utilizing her mastery of acrylic/oil paints, pastels, graphite and colored pencils; intricate emotions and hyper surreal visions are born and enchant every viewer into her dark sensual dreamscape.
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