Roxanna Walitzki: “Sea Pictures”

March 24, 2020 | Author: webSman

Vast and uncontainable, the sea is wild even when she sleeps. While her swells wax and wane, her steady rhythm is constant. Currents run through her depths like streams, ending in waves that crash towards shore in a brilliant display of boundless might.

Roxanna Walitzki’s latest release: “Sea Pictures, Op. 37 No. 1: Sea Slumber Song,” celebrates the vast beauty of the sea in a powerful musical ode. Written by Edward Elgar and produced by Roxanna for classical voice, piano, and electronics, the dreamy sonic-scape and accompanying visuals (filmed by artist Redd Walitzki on the wild shores of Lanzarote, Spain, and Nazaré, Portugal) are a potent reminder to protect the world’s seas and oceans.

The single and music video releases worldwide on all major streaming platforms March 30, 2020, but can be seen first via Miroir Magazine.

1 comment on “Roxanna Walitzki: “Sea Pictures””

  1. I would like to leave a comment and a big thank you to Roxanna Walitski for the audio and visually powerful piece of hers you have just released.
    She is an amazing talent as we know but something about this piece brought home to me that no matter what kind of devastating plague humanity is currently enduring, there is still so much beauty and strength in us as a species and the planet.
    This made being in, seem like going out.