November 12, 2021 | Author: webSman

5 Top Contemporary Photographers and Their Best Tools

Art is about capturing the world as we see it. For centuries, oil paints were the best tools for fine art and it was the commonly adopted medium for the Old Masters.
Today, while traditional media is just as important to art, new tools like digital cameras are coming to the fore. Photographers are now playing with the past and present in their work with the aid of tools, such as cameras, lenses, lighting, and mirrors.

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October 17, 2021 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Olya Volgina

Q: Do you believe as artists that we have a responsibility to address environmental issues?

A: Yes, I think that each person is responsible for what is happening around him, both locally and globally. There is a lot of injustice in the world, perhaps these are the rules of this life, but this does not mean that we should not make efforts and try.

Q: How does nature, the elements, and the environment inspire your work?

A: Nature has always inspired me. I do not separate a person and I think that we are also a part of this whole universe. Since childhood, I was fascinated by nature, I felt my merger with the outside world and talked with trees, insects, and birds. Especially in the summer when I was leaving the city. Now I am less and less often away from the bustle of the city, but mentally I am still there, breathing in the fresh morning humid air. more » “Interview with the Artist Olya Volgina”

October 15, 2021 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Jana Brike

Q: Do you believe as artists that we have a responsibility to address environmental issues?

A: You’re a human being first, and if you as an artist try to address through your work something that is not close to your heart or something that you don’t have any faith in on a human level, nothing good will come of such art.
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September 14, 2021 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Cirius

Q: How are you inspired to create the powerful and compelling art you are known for?

A: A story. Story always comes first.
It is never for decorative purposes or to simply paint something that is beautiful.
History plays a huge role in my art, as does the physiological behaviour of the human species. When I do research for a project, I always discover interesting facts and stories that relate to me. Stories of power particularly intrigue me and I try to portray this in my paintings which include images that evoke an emotional response from the viewer.

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August 2, 2021 | Author: webSman

Interview with the Artist Andrea Castaneda

Q: Tell us about your art technique and what first sparked an interest in this medium.

A: I’m a mix media painter. I’m a very curious person. I like experimenting with different techniques like acrylic, oil, pastels, markers and ink. So some paintings that I do are fully 100% oil color, others I use mix media, I add inks, and acrylic paint. I love to add golden leafs to my artwork and sometimes I add abalone leafs. You can see some of my work that I also paint over plexiglass. I really enjoy having fun while I’m painting.

Q: Do you use any special materials, or do anything out of the ordinary when you are creating your art, If so, please tell us about it?

A: I added golden leafs, abalone leafs and I started to add some glitter to my artwork.

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