Q: Do you begin with a theme in mind, or does it emerge while you are working? What inspires your work, the current political conditions, the environment, the books you read, your dreams, or a conversation with a friend… In other words… does your inspiration come more from internal or external sources?
A: For most of my work, I like to begin with a general theme in mind. Sometimes this idea can take days or weeks to come to full fruition. Brainstorming is a big part of my process and I like to have my ideas solidified before sitting down to draw out the initial sketch. This isn’t always the case though and at times I will just sit down to draw and see what flows naturally. Other times I will slowly add to the idea as I go along. Taking a step back from the initial sketch can offer me a new perspective. From there I may decide to add or change something and let the image emerge on its own. As for inspiration, this takes many forms. Recently most of my inspiration has come from a road trip I took over the course of three months late last year. This trip has inspired me like no other thing in my life ever has. By seeing new and amazing things, I fell in love with a fresh perspective I never had before and because of this, I was able to channel something I never knew was possible through my work. In all, I enjoy taking inspiration from my life experiences, whether these are traumatic or eye-opening in nature. Every piece tells a different story as to where I was mentally and emotionally when I composed it.
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